Globally, non communicable diseases (NCDs) such as Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, etc are increasingly recognized as a major cause of morbidity and mortality.
Cause of Unhealthy Life
Unhealthy Lifestyle, poor diet, lack of exercise and emotional stress are the main causes of non-communicable diseases.
Stress is a “phylogenic response pattern to a demanding situation”.
Blood Pressure is affected by emotions such as fear, anger, etc, but the effects tend to be short lived. But when a person tends to lead a life full of tension, anxiety, worry, etc, the continued excitation of sympathetic nervous system, the blood pressure remains persistently high.
Yoga – the Solution
Health according to yogic concept (accepted by WHO) is a positive state of well being at Physical, Mental, Social and Spiritual aspects of personality. Yoga is a conscious process of going back to your stress free, blissful nature. Yoga helps one realize that being happy is one’s own nature. Yoga reduce sympathetic tone by consciously relaxing and breathing. By consciously watch one’s breath one watch one’s thoughts and slowly, through awareness, the yogi removes the negative thoughts that result in stress.
"Surya Namaskar serves as a great practice to manage psychosomatic ailments" such as Diabetes and reduce the risk for Heart Disease.
Surya Namaskar Practice
Surya Namaskar is a unique practice, which gives the benefits of sthula (gross) as well as suksma (subtle) vyayam (exercises). Any able-bodied person aged from 8-80 years can perform this practice. This practice is beneficial for students and children in growing age.

Benefits of Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar helps:
Achieve healthy and efficient body, balanced state of mind
Enhance work efficiency through concentration, alertness, memory development and emotional control
Tones up the functioning of various systems in the body, such as sensory, respiratory, digestive, circulatory, muscular and nervous system.
Bija Mantras chanted while performing the namaskars generate minute vibrations in the body correcting the functioning of exocrine and endocrine systems of glands.
Surya Namaskar Mantra and Bija Mantras
Starting Prayer:
Hiranmayena patrena satya sapihitam mukham Tat twam pusam apavarnu satya dharmaya drustaye.
Meaning: O Sun, truth is covered by the sensual desires (which can be liked to golden orb that sun represents) . Please open the door to lead me to the truth.
Bija Mantras
Bija Mantras help in generating resonance in different aspects of our body and mind.
Aum Hram Mitraya Namaha
Aum Hrim Ravaye Namaha
Aum Hrum Suryaya Namaha
Aum Hraim Bhanave Namaha
Aum Hroum Khagaya Namaha
Aum Hraha Pushne Namaha
Aum Hram Hiranyagarbhaya Namaha
Aum Hrim Marichaye Namaha
Aum Hrum Adityaya Namaha
Aum Hraim Savitre Namaha
Aum Hroum Arkaya Namaha
Aum Hraha Bhaskaraya Namaha
Do’s and Don’ts of Surya Namaskar
Must be performed with empty-stomach
Should be performed with full awareness
Preferable to do this exercise in open, fresh air
Can be performed individually as well as in the group
Perform on a clean mat
Desirable to maintain 30 minutes gap for taking bath before or after the practice
Women may avoid the practice during menstruation period.
Pregnant women should avoid this practice.
People suffering from hernia, spinal disorders, high BP should practice after consulting the doctor as well as competent yoga instructor
Disclaimer: Please consulting your doctor before practicing Yoga and Surya Namaskar